Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions and other relevant information.
You are always welcome to contact our support on phone +45 41 22 10 13 or
If you need to see how to use the solution, you could watch our Tutorials.
Første gang du eller en anden fra din organisation skal oprette en bruger, skal du indsende din email på hjemmesiden gennem “Opret profil”. Herefter sender vi dig en email med et link til Proceedy Timeline og en aktiveringskode. Når du klikker på linket, bliver du ført ind i Proceedy Timeline, hvor du kan oprette din bruger.
If someone from your organization has already created a user, the administrator must add that person as a new user in the Proceedy Timeline. You do this by using Proceedy Management, which can be found in the top right corner. Here, you can manage users in the organization by adding or removing them.
If you have forgotten your password, you can easily request a new. Select "Forgot your password?" from the login page and receive an email with a link to create a new password.
Enter your email and password. Afterwards enter the one-time code you have received on email. If needed, you can always request a new one-time code via email or SMS.
You can create a folder in two ways:
You can share a folder in three different ways:
Share the folder with people via email. Type in an email address and press "send invitation" to share the folder. The recipient will receive an email containing a link that gives full access to the contents of the folder.
You can transfer ownership of folders in two ways:
View video: Organization gallery
You can create a gallery in two ways:
For at vedhæfte filer til personer eller organisationer skal du klikke på “vedhæft”-ikonet, som er vist som en papirclips. Du kan vælge mellem eksisterende filer i den givne mappe eller du kan uploade en ny fil.
Du kan ændre i farve labels fra tidslinjer, person- og organisationsgallerier. Det gøres fra “tandhjuls”-ikonet i højre hjørne. Herfra kan du navngive farver og dermed tematisere efter eget behov.
You can create a timeline in two ways:
There are two ways to link one or multiple persons or organisations to a point on a timeline:
If you wish to select a vertical timeline, you can do so by following these steps:
You can also choose between the other view types, such as the horizontal or table view, whichever works best for you.
By choosing a vertical timeline, you can have a clearer and more logical representation of the relevant events.
So follow these simple steps to choose the view that best suits your case.
You have three export options:
If you choose to export it as a PDF, you will have additional options to customize your export. Our motto is that what you see is what you export.
Husk at klikke på “Gem” for at gemme ændringerne.
The image will now appear in the organization's logo section.
Now your organization logo will be displayed on your export timeline when you export a PDF.
How to create groups:
Note that only administrators of an organization can create a group. This function is not available to regular users.
Remember that groups are a great way to collaborate with others who are working on a the same case. By creating a group, you can easily share files and keep everyone informed on the progress of the case.
You can change your user settings from your user profile which can be located in the top right corner.
From here you can change:
Timezones can be changed in your user profile which can be located in the top right corner.
From "Language and time" you are able to select your preferred timezone.
The language in Proceedy Timeline can be changed in your user profile, which can be located in the top right corner.
From "Language and time" you are able to select your preferred language.
In order to delete your user, you must follow three steps:
From within a document you are able to apply the following:
It can be done directly from within the document:
Are you already well using the solution? We greatly appreciate your feedback so that we can improve the experience of Proceedy Timeline.